Online exam

As we will gather the listed personal information along with your answers, we kindly ask you to consent to the collection of your personal data before completing the exam. The sharing of exam data and personal information is voluntary but is a requirement for participating in the exam. Failure to provide the necessary information will prevent you from completing the exam.

Q69 - Digital Transformation Journey (ID2)

Q70 - Data Modeling: From Relational Databases to Big Data (ID3)

Q73 - Introduction to Industrial Cybersecurity (ID7)

Q75 - Digital interpretation of cultural heritage (ID9)

Q76 - A case study of the application of Tourism 4.0 technology in Odesa, Ukraine (ID10)

Q77 - Nanomaterials - Introduction (ID11)

Q79 - Nanomaterials: Magic of Carbon (ID13)

Q81 - An introduction to Quantum Computing (ID15)

Q82 - Introduction to Deep Learning and Nanotechnology Applications (ID16)

Q83 - Entrepreneurship and start-up management (ID17)

Q84 - Innovation as a management challenge (ID18)

Q87 - Innovation on the field - real cases (ID22)

Q68 - Business strategies in high-innovation potential areas (Nanotechnology, Industry 4.0, Artificial intelligence) (ID23)

Q7 - Lean production (BUSINESS CASE) (IDX1)

Q11 - Collaborative robotics (IDX2)

Q18 - Technology Readiness Level (IDX3)