Reginna 4.0 at EIT HEI Networking Event

5. 6. 2024

The recent networking event hosted by the EIT HEI Initiative in Brussels saw strong representation from the Reginna 4.0 Consortium. Among the notable attendees were Jurij Urbancic, Lead Partner from the University of Nova Gorica; Tiziana Perin from Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico; and Iryna Hryhoruk from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

Held on June 3rd and 4th, the event celebrated the accomplishments of the EIT HEI Initiative Pilot Phase, providing participants with an opportunity to reflect on past successes and strategize for future endeavors. With the Pilot Phase concluded, attention now turns to the next steps in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education.

Though the event has passed, the insights gained and connections made continue to propel Reginna 4.0 forward. Stay tuned for updates on upcoming events and initiatives aimed at further advancing the goals of Reginna 4.0 and the broader EIT HEI community.