Embark on a Virtual Learning Adventure: Explore the Online Edition of the Second Summer School 2023!

6. 12. 2023

Call for students across the world! ALL VIDEOS FROM THE SECOND SUMMER SCHOOL ARE ONLINE! 

At this link you can find the playlist with the promotional video and the lectures:


Upon successfully answering the exam questions, you'll receive a certificate of participation within a couple of days. This certificate can be redeemed as credits at your university. This is the final requirement to acknowledge your participation in the Summer School.

Access all lecture materials here:

https://indico.ung.si/event/16/timetable/#20230904.detailed (Browse each day's schedule and click on the paperclip symbol next to the lecturer's title)

https://indico.ung.si/event/16/contributions/ (Click on the lecture you are interested in to view all the details and materials related to it)

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to enhance your knowledge and skills!