The Blue Way Hackathon 2024: 48 hours to decipher the sea and shape the ideas of the future Blue Economy

    23.5.2024 - 24.5.2024 / Ancona, Italy

    The Ancona hackathon will take place on May 23-24 and is aimed at students from secondary schools, post-diploma professional schools (e.g., ITS), universities, doctoral candidates, or recent graduates. Its goal is to provide training on the new professions of the future related to digital and deep-tech applications connected to the sea. The sea represents the new frontier of research and experimentation, acting as a connective tissue for the economy of the future and a fertile ground for new enterprises. The event will last 2 days and will be preceded by a study and deepening activity involving a collection of documents and suggestions (the Blue Way Hackathon Starter Kit) to contextualize the themes of the challenge launched during the hackathon.

    The Blue Way Hackathon will kick off at the Department of Life Sciences of the Polytechnic University of the Marche with a morning dedicated to stimulating curiosity and creativity. Participants will then move to the Unicorn Event Room with mentors and tutors to begin their work. The event is organized by the Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico Andrea Galvani SCPA and co-financed by the Reginna 4.0 project, in collaboration with Università Politecnica delle Marche, IRBIM CNR,  l’OGS- Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, l’Università degli Studi di Trieste, il Comune di Ancona, and Tipicità in Blu. The top 3 ranked groups will receive prizes in the form of vouchers for the purchase of technological products. The Blue Way Hackathon will be conducted in Italian and is free, with a minimum of 30 participants and a maximum of 50. Registration is required through the website,

    The completion of the hackathon will allow:

    • University students will receive a certificate from the EIT (European Institute of Technology) as part of the Reginna 4.0 project, financed by the European Union, which can be used to request credit recognition from their own university.
    • Secondary school students to obtain PCTO credits.

    Language: Italian
    Location: Aula Azzurra "Mario Giordano" - Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell'Ambiente (Edificio 3) – Università Politecnica delle Marche - Sala Eventi Unicorn. 

    Time: 23/05/2024 - 24/05/2024


    Registration due date: 20/05/24. 

    Cost: Free of charge
    ECTS points: Completing the hackathon will allow university students to receive an EIT-labelled certificate that might be redeemed for ECTS credits at their university.


    Program in Italian

    Regulation in Italian



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