Hackathon: Summer HackTown 2023

    31.8.2023 - 2.9.2023 / Pordenone

    WHAT IS?
    SUMMER HACKTOWN 2023 is a special Summer Event that wants to gather society and youth around the disruptive transformation and evolution of technological progress and societal challenges. SUMMER HACKTOWN 2023 is organized by the REGINNA 4.0 project co-financed by the (EIT) European Institute of Innovation & Technology, that aims at majoring topics on nanotechnologies, industry 4.0, innovation and entrepreneurship.
    The hosting partner of this Hackathon is the Consorzio Universitario of Pordenone, which is the co-organizer together with the University of Udine and Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico.

    SUMMER HACKTOWN 2023 aims at giving concrete answers and finding solutions on the potential of new technologies and digital transformation in accordance with societal needs and challenges. The general objective is exploring the concept of society 5.0, that is a human centric system which enables to balance economic progress with social problems resolution by integrating the virtual and physical spaces.

    SUMMER HACKTOWN 2023 would explore many societal and technological aspects, through which the hackathon’s challenge will take shape and create its own innovative scenario. In the next future, plenty of people with multidisciplinary competences will be involved in the society management and related technological (positive) interference. These people can be urbanists, designers, ICT experts, infrastructural experts, botanists, sustainability experts, etc. that would cooperate and work together to establish the “society of the future” with citizen hotspots (focal points), various interconnections and spaces. “Technology is not as a threat by society, should be perceived as a support.” S. Abe

    SUMMER HACKTOWN 2023 is targeting students from Universities, post-diploma professional schools such as ITS (Istituti tecnici Superiori), students that have finished high school and are enrolled for first academic year 2023-2024 at University/ITS and recent graduates.

    SUMMER HACKTOWN 2023 identifies one main challenge = dream think a near future where Pordenone will offer an Energy park in the EX TOMADINI-area, a dynamic place of excellence that attracts all citizens, but is meant specifically for the young people and is managed by them. In simple words, the hackathon participants will have the chance to design and develop a product/service/prototype to be realized/used there, that can solve the existing fragmentation between the society and the enabling technologies, while contributing to make Pordenone more attractive and revitalize spaces for youngsters in the center.
    Here below, the main challenge of SUMMER HACKTOWN 2023 is represented in the middle, whilst related focal 4 topics are shown around as exploring thematics.

    • Language: English
    • Time: 31/8/2023 – 2/9/2023
    • Venue: Consorzio Universitario-room S1, via Prasecco 2, Pordenone, Italy & On-line
    • Costs: Free of charge
    • Registration due date: 30/8/2023
    • ECTS points: Completing the hackathon and/or passing the test of the summer school will allow university students to receive an EIT-labelled certificate that might be redeemed for ECTS credits at their university.
    • Contact:

    Registration - SOLD OUT for in-person attendance by Ukrainian students!




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